Yong Tae Pak, M.D.

2006-present Irving Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
2005-2006 Integrated Pain Management. Concord (San Francisco Bay Area), CA Pain Management Fellowship.
2002-2005 Baylor University Medical Center. Dallas, TX Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency.
2001-2002 John Peter Smith Hospital. Fort Worth, TX Transitional Internship.
1997-2001 University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. Oklahoma City, OK M.D., June 3, 2001.


1993-1997 University of Oklahoma. Norman, OK B.S., Zoology with minor in Chemistry, summa cum laude.
Honors and Awards
2002 Outstanding Transitional Intern in Pediatrics.
1998 Honors Research Grant. Awarded by Presbyterian Health Foundation and University of Oklahoma College of Medicine.
1994-1997 Alumni Honor Scholar. Merit award for upperclassman.
1997 Phi Beta Kappa. Honor Society.
1993 Wal-Mart Scholarship. Merit award.
1993 University Honor Scholar. Merit award.
1998 Honors Research Fellow. Yong Pak, Philip B. Adamson, MD. Aldosterone Increases the Incidence of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Dogs with a Healed Myocardial Infarction.
2002-2005 Yong Pak, MD, Barry Smith, MD. Does admission on Friday vs. Sunday/Monday Effect Inpatient Rehabilitation Length of Stay for Unilateral Total Knee Replacements?
2002-2005 Lectures: Texas Women’s University School of Occupational Therapy. Cardiac and Pulmonary Diseases; ALS, MS, and Guillain-Barre; and Parkinson’s Disease.
2002-2005 Sport Medicine: High school football team physician: Lancaster, Texas; White Rock Marathon; Hoop it Up (Basketball); Dallas Cup (Soccer).